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La nostra storia

» Chi siamo » Our History

Helping people get more out of life

helping people to look good, feel good and get more out of life – shows how clearly the business understands 21st century-consumers and their lives. But the spirit of this mission forms a thread that runs throughout our history.


1885 – 1899: Product innovation, 19th Century Style
1900 – 1909: New focus on raw materials
1910 – 1919: A decade of change
1920 – 1929: Unilever is formed
1930 – 1939: Overcoming challenges
1940 – 1949: Focusing on local needs
1950 – 1959: The post-war consumer boom
1960 – 1969: A time for growth
1970 – 1979: Diversifying in a tough climate
1980 – 1989: Focusing on the core
1990 – 1999: Restructuring and consolidating
2000 – 2009: Forging new paths
2010 – present: Sustainable living

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